Wednesday 20 August 2014

Why Most Teenagers Run Away From Home

                This action or development is every parent’s worst nightmare—you go to check on your child in the middle of the night, and she’s not there. Your heart starts pounding and you fly into panic mode, calling her friends, your relatives, and the police.

            Whether or not your child has run away or threatened to do so—or you fear that she might—it’s vital that you read this article. James Lehman has worked with runaway teens for many years, and in this new EP series he explains why kids run away, ways you can stop them, and how to handle their behavior when they come home.
PURPOSE OF THIS INFORMATION:  The intent of this writeup is to support parents in situations where their child uses running away as a faulty problem-solving skill in response to rules or limits that are being set in the home. Sometimes there are underlying issues that may influence a child or teen to run away. This article is not intended to address situations that may possibly involve abuse, neglect or other issues.

         Omoefe Agbonlahor, the owner of this page has once fall victim of this incident. when on Sunday the 16th of August, 2014, at about 5pm she whisk through the backdoor of a house located around Off Amadasun Street, Ugbighoko Quarters, Benin City, after some friends violently attacked her mother who went to the said house to pick her home.

Her father was informed immediately. After which he urgently rushed home to remedy the situation. Unfortunately, she has successfully acknowledged he mission. The father without wasting time went to the scene of incident where it was confirmed that such a thing really happened.

Omoefe did not come home till ........ It was so surprising how a total stranger could be so heard-hearted to keep a teenager of about fifteen years of age at home till today 20th August, 2014, that this article is written.

Monday 23 June 2014

Being True Friends is Being in Light


I know you would love to know the world we are presently, and why we are living in such a world by this time. This could be related to the prophesied sign of the end as stated in the book of II Timothy Chapter 3:1-5
The person that appear in this post just fall a victim of persons recorded in verse 5 of II Timothy chapter 3 "having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people." they have appeared as if they have help or support for her and took her out of the bound of the parents.
Please, don't hesitate to immediately call the numbers provided herein or please report at the nearest police station to you. This may save this pretty looking girl from her prey and also rescue the human eater who intended to make Omoefe Agbonlahor 'MEAT'
She is a Jehovah's Witness who associate with Agbodo Congregation, Edo State Nigeria.Read more story about what true friend really mean